February 5, 2019
Vita Pro-Flex
Marc Gisin, Swiss-Ski A-Kader
My name is Marc Gisin, I am 24 years old and a professional ski racer at World Cup level. The sport that I and my sisters Dominique and Michelle do not exactly go easy on the joints. Our bodies are exposed to enormous loads both in competition and in training. Unfortunately, injuries are also part of our job. In most cases, they affect the knees or back. My sister Dominique has already been operated on her knees nine times. The younger sister Michelle tore her cruciate ligament in the spring of 2011, and I was also caught with a cruciate ligament tear that spring.During the respective rehabilitation, we support the healing process of tendons, ligaments and cartilage with the Vita Pro-Flex drink. The rehabilitation phases went very well for all of us and we were always able to show rapid progress both in terms of movement and resilience. A quick healing process is very important to us, as we are usually under time pressure and have to bring the body back into shape as quickly as possible.
A few years ago I was struggling with an inflammation of the patellar tendon. And in this case too, Vita-Pro Flex Drink helped me to get the irritation under control.
In the meantime, I mainly take the drink for prevention, as I am convinced that the Vita Pro-Flex drink can reduce inflammation and discomfort in tendons, ligaments and cartilage etc. in the area of the jointscan perfectly prevent.
Marc Gisin, Swiss-Ski A-team