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Success stories -  Vita Mobility Complex

Vita Mobility Complex


B. K.G. in K.

I am 47 years old and have suffered from various signs of wear and tear in various joints from years of high-performance gymnastics. But above all from a hip joint arthrosis, which caused me great pain after exercise.

BKG in K.

Ich bin 47 Jahre alt und leide durch jahrelanges Leistungsturnen schon seit Jahren unter diversen Verschleißerscheinungen in diversen Gelenken.


For a long time, I have been receiving the remedy "Vita Mg 300 plus" from the wife of our workshop manager, Mr. Patrick B., which I take every day during the week.

JG 20.03.1948

The effect amazes me, in the morning after training or a match I only feel the tension that is normal for my age, and the knee feels flexible and lubricated.

Eva Renner

Many in my circle of friends have noticed that I can walk well again because I am out and about with my dog ​​for at least three hours a day. And people keep asking me where I get these capsules from.

Dr. MB from A.

According to our telephone conversation, I would like to share my experiences with your products with you in the following report...


It is always good to know personally where what you eat every day comes from. With this in mind, I was pleased to meet you yesterday at the Paraplegic Center in Nottwil.