What enriches your health!
About health, beauty, nutrition and vital substances.

Supplements in elite sport. The recommendations of professional triathlete Samuel Hürzeler.
02. March 2023
from Samuel Hürzeler
Dietary supplements are widely used in both amateur and professional sport. The aim of supplements is to promote health by ingesting vital substances or to compensate for potential deficiencies. They are also used to supplement macronutrients in order to cover requirements that might not be met by the daily diet. These include protein shakes, gels, bars and sports drinks. Others use supplements to boost performance directly, to prevent muscle pain (muscle soreness), to accelerate recovery or to influence mood.
Learn more: Vita Health Care Homepage: click here

What role does collagen play in skin ageing?
17. February 2023
from Marion Wäfler
True beauty comes from within – easily said when you’re standing in front of the mirror and have just spotted a new wrinkle. Everyone wants to reach a grand old age, but nobody wants to be a grand old age. Time waits for no man, and it is not surprising that a great deal of research is being done into health and anti-ageing.
Learn more: Vita Health Care Homepage: click here

Vital substances
Glucosamine and chondroitin – the joint health duo.
14. February 2023
from Kea Blum
If you get achy knees, twinges in your back or shoulder pain with every movement, your quality of life can suffer enormously. Many people ask themselves: what is the best way to counteract joint problems? In addition to a balanced, healthy diet, certain dietary supplements can also specifically support the health of cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. In this article, we present two important examples of these in more detail: glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate.
Learn more: Vita Health Care Homepage: click here

Joint health – essential vital substances for healthy bones and cartilage.
14. February 2023
from Kea Blum
Tying your shoes, lifting boxes or climbing stairs – all of these activities shouldn't be a problem. In theory, that is. After all, when your joints hurt, even everyday movements like these become a challenge. The most common cause of persistent joint pain is wear – also known as osteoarthritis. To counteract this, there are a number of vital substances that can promote healthy joint function. We will demonstrate what these are. We will also explain why a healthy diet is not always enough for an optimal supply of all vital substances that promote the joints.
Learn more: Vita Health Care Homepage: click here

Do women need different vital substances to men?
10. February 2023
from Kea Blum
How useful are dietary supplements specifically made for women or men? Anyone seeking information about dietary supplements in a drugstore, pharmacy or on the internet will soon notice that many products are aimed at both men and women. But how useful are these supplements in reality? Do women and men really benefit equally from the same dietary supplements? Or is a gender-specific combination of vital substances a better choice for promoting an active lifestyle? We provide answers.
Learn more: Vita Health Care Homepage: click here

Omega-3 fatty acids – vital for the brain, nervous system and heart. But do you get an adequate supply of them?
26. January 2023
from Marion Wäfler
Everyone is talking about them and they are indeed important for the brain, nervous system and heart. And yet we can't take sufficient nutrition for granted. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital substances. What exactly is omega-3? Where is it found and how much of it do we need?