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It is always good to know personally where what you eat every day comes from. With this in mind, I was pleased to meet you yesterday at the Paraplegic Center in Nottwil. I got to know
your product - the Vita Mobility Complex - through the Rennbahnklinik in Muttenz. Dr. During a "cleansing" on the meniscus, W. found that I had slight osteoarthritis; corresponding pain in both knees also indicated this more than clearly.

After the successful meniscus operation, the pain due to osteoarthritis persisted, especially when walking downhill and down stairs. Your preparation initially relieved this pain after taking the first double pack. Since two inflammatory tendon attachments had to heal due to months of posture, the success could not yet be precisely localized.

After the inflammation had healed and a second double pack of your preparation was taken, the success was clear. I was even able to resume playing tennis; I play tennis regularly once a week without any complaints.

One more little thing about taking: Since I have to take different medication twice a day and I am often out and about during the day, I only took your preparation twice a day. Apparently this did not diminish the effect.

Many thanks and best regards

Related products

Vita Mobility Complex Double pack

€0.46 / Capsule


Vita Mobility Complex

Vital substances against arthrosis, for long-term use:

  • Building blocks for articular cartilage
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate are components of the
  • of the connective tissue
  • of the ligaments
  • of the articular cartilage

Infos | Discounts:

€0.50 / Capsule
